Office hours from Lutheran Social Services are here to connect you to resources in our community that help you where you need it most.
A representative will be available to help connect older adults with services offered by Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota that grow community collaboration, increase social interaction and enhance quality of life. Services include caregiver support and respite; supported decision-making and guardianship options; LSS Meals to Go, which is a convenient and affordable frozen meal shipment option available statewide; financial investment tools to enhance quality of life for older adults and individuals with disabilities; and a Senior Companion service, in which trained volunteers visit older adults for a few hours each week. Stop by the Moorhead Public Library from 10-11:30 a.m. on the second Monday of the month to learn about these services and get connected.
The Moorhead Public Library is located in downtown Moorhead behind the Rourke Art Gallery. The library offers free WiFi, wireless printing and friendly staff to help you access the library's many resources.