Join Dorothy Hoover as she takes us on a journey through Kenya, Tanzania, and Zanzibar in a wild world of beautifully fierce and exotic animals. Feel free to come early for refreshments.
Join Dorothy Hoover as she takes us on a journey through Kenya, Tanzania, and Zanzibar in a wild world of beautifully fierce and exotic animals. On a girls trip in fall of 2021, private guides led them through herds of elephants, prides of lions, and dancing with Maasi Warriors in the “jumping dance.” Her stunning slideshow will have you yearning to visit the African continent as well! Entertainment will be flutes and keys with Dotz Johnson, Carol Turner, and Connie Wood. Feel free to come early to enjoy a cup of coffee and treat while getting to know others who are curious about our community and its people!
The Detroit Lakes Public Library is located in downtown Detroit Lakes at the intersection of Washinton Ave. and Frazee Street. The library offers two meeting rooms, four study rooms, a legal kiosk, free Wi-Fi and much more.